Friday, July 8, 2011

Great Moments in DVD Cases (#4)

I've mentioned a He-Man DVD case with respects to its oddity before, but that was for the new series. Here, I'm talking about the original complete DVD collection of the whole '80s series.

(There's an odd case involving these DVDs that I'm not talking about, but it deserves brief mention: Here's a link.)

The old He-Man series came in a massive four-volume set, each of which held six DVDs with seven or eight episodes apiece (with the sixth disk reserved for special features). Such a huge series presented significant logistical problems which would require a fair amount of effort. The solution used was to make an enormous folding case. (A similar solution was used for the Beast Wars Transformers box sets released by Kid Rhino. Anything negative I say about this applies there twofold, because at least these guys had the courtesy to cram the whole mess into a convenient box, while the other was held shut by inertia.)

In and of itself, this actually works reasonably well, but there's a problem. If you handle them with anything less than the utmost care... the disks pop out on the inside, potentially moving around and getting scratched without you even noticing. Even with the Orko Approved stickers (see above), we still had to replace two of our boxed sets.

So there you go: Another great moment in DVD packaging.

-Signing off.

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