Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Non-Scary Nature Videos

I got to thinking that I sure like posting rather creepy nature videos. (The top three entries after this video for the tag nature, for example.)

So here are some videos that I, at least, found cute. (Brief comments on each after the embeds.

Protip to you jerks who feed all the little animals you can find to your pet tarantulas: Scorpions are scary little beasts.

Death from above! (Admittedly, if you like mantids like I do, this one is a smidgen sad, although obviously she's mostly fine. Also, I didn't realize that this was originally so wide.)

I think that qualifies as a pratfall.

Praying mantids don't like having their personal space invaded.

It doesn't matter how big you are, a mantis won't take any guff.

Seriously, no matter how big.

-Signing off.

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