Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good To Know

I've stated in the past that I'm a huge fan of information websites, particularly wikis in their various forms. I'm even prone to visiting and wikiwalking on sites on subjects that I have peripheral or no interest in. (Well, not really "no" interest so much as not enough interest to do anything beyond wikiwalk on a site about the subject. More than none, probably about the same as "peripheral.") Halopedia, the Tron Wiki, the Forgotten Realms Wiki... I've taken long wikiwalks on all of these sites despite never playing a Halo game, never having watched anything Tron, and never having played a tabletop role playing game (although I did read some Forgotten Realms novels ages ago).

So occasionally, I'll seek out a new wiki to peruse merely for the sake of doing so. An image catches my eye, or I read a mention of something on another site, and my curiosity is piqued.

Wiki quality varies wildly from site to site. The best on the internet are TV Tropes and the TFWiki. (Wikipedia is too unfocused to even rank in my top ten.) And then, sometimes you find hilarious things that take themselves entirely seriously, such as this remark from the "Appearance" section of the body of this page, about a character named Ezra Urza Erza Scarlet:

"Like most female characters [in the series that this wiki is for], she has extremely large breasts." (Bolding added for emphasis, italics added for more differenter emphasis.)


That's... nice to know, isn't it?

-Signing off.

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