Friday, July 30, 2010

Then There Was That Time Cobra Commander Kidnapped Some Autobots

(Sorry about the low content, but today was kind of a distracting day. My parents were attending visitation for a funeral about half a dozen counties away, and I had to watch my kid brother for hours on end.)

G.I.Joe/Transformers crossovers are fairly common. More so in the comics than the cartoons, but it did happen.

Note, starting at about 2:18, "Snake's" remark on the state of the current day (in his alternate future full of Transformers, which would have been in about 2006 of the fictional universe): "I guess they don't make terrorists like they used to." Followed by the obligatory bellow of "COOOOOOBRAAAA *hack cough hack*"

I like his earlier line ("everything is for sale") well enough that I put it in my Quotable Transformers post from a while back, too.

-Signing off.

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