Friday, September 26, 2008


Arblus, look! It's Unicrotch!

(Picture is really cruddy because it was taken with a really cruddy camera. This is the Transformers Universe re-release of Armada Unicron.)

Some context is obviously in order. I only recently got this toy, and discovered the biggest and most shocking secret of Unicron is not his existence or any silliness like him transforming into a robot; no, it's the fact that the back end of his planet mode is, well, his back end. You don't see many (read: any, before now) pictures of this part of it; just the more memorable and less butt-like front.

Signing off, because really, how do you follow something like this up?


snell said...

Here's a story I think you'll like...

Invid said...

Um, were you trying to link something?

snell said...

hmmm....sorry about that. Let's try again: